
History, tradition, religion

This category contains 16 posts

Circumcision and the wisdom of NORM

“In a society that puts so much belief on freedom of choice and individual liberty, should not boys be left to make their own decision when they are old enough to understand the full implications of what a circumcision involves?” http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/juliankossoff/5290667/Circumcision_and_the_wisdom_of_NORM/

The deepest cut

“[L]ately, more parents than ever are deciding to keep their newborn sons intact—especially on the West Coast. The reasons range from changing recommendations by medical authorities to the growing trend of parents not wanting to blindly follow social norms.” http://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/content?oid=1419134

Circumcision in boys: Time for doctors to reconsider

“The Convention on the Rights of the Child from 1989 states in Article 19 that States “shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violation, injury or abuse…” Article 24.3 urges all States “to take all effective and appropriate measures with a … Continue reading

I’m a Doctor, a Jew, a Father & Grandfather: My position on Circumcision

“I am a 72 year old retired physician, a Jew who is an active member of a Conservative synagogue, and a grandfather. When I was in Medical School in the 1950s, almost all newborn males were circumcised. Despite the fact that prophylactic surgery was not generally performed, we were taught that circumcision was the correct … Continue reading

Why circumcision should be abhorred

“A couple from the US state of Georgia was recently arrested for tattooing six of their seven children with crosses. The mother bemusedly commented: I’m their mother. Shouldn’t I be able to decide if they get one? No, madam, you shouldn’t. Children are not possessions; parents do not own them. They are human beings with inalienable … Continue reading

Modern Circumcision: A Ritual of Ignorance, Abuse and Greed

“Circumcision in the United States is a cultural phenomenon that has been subject to a lot of recent controversy. There are many facets to the issue; proponents of the procedure use statistical evidence showing some potential benefits of the procedure, however extremists have been known to take advantage of myths and other misinformation that many … Continue reading