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Human rights, medical ethics

San Francisco’s attempt to outlaw circumcision of minors and how it advances the cause of respecting the bodies of all children

“Those who say banning male circumcision crosses a line that banning female circumcision does not, need to confront their bias. If removing a foreskin without consent is ok, why isn’t it ok to remove portions of a girl’s clitoral hood without consent or even in the case of older girls with consent?”

Full article here:  http://www.circumcisionandhiv.com/2010/11/san-franciscos-attempt-to-outlaw-circumcision-of-minors-and-how-it-advances-the-cause-of-respecting-.html

About circumcisionwisdom

Information and links about the brutal culture of cutting known as circumcision (genital mutilation). What parents don't know WILL hurt their babies.


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